21st Century Wire says…
The original home of democracy is seeing a fight for the ages.
In this interview with Press TV, investigative journalist Tony Gosling presents the example of IMF structural adjustment polices throughout the developing world as being comparable to what is currently occurring in Greece.
It is a situation that means democratic authority is truly at war with private authority, and looking to the IMF’s previous work the odds are not looking good for a positive outcome.
Watch the video here:
READ MORE ON GREECE’S PROBLEMS: 21st Century Wire Greece Files
The original home of democracy is seeing a fight for the ages.
In this interview with Press TV, investigative journalist Tony Gosling presents the example of IMF structural adjustment polices throughout the developing world as being comparable to what is currently occurring in Greece.
It is a situation that means democratic authority is truly at war with private authority, and looking to the IMF’s previous work the odds are not looking good for a positive outcome.
Watch the video here:
READ MORE ON GREECE’S PROBLEMS: 21st Century Wire Greece Files